
Showing posts from January, 2020

The Science in Corn Parching: Some Things You Should Know

When we were growing up, parched corn was a popular snack not just because of the availability of corn (field corn), but because It was a powerful bonding tool at home and at school. Those who went to boarding school can attest to its hunger quenching properties and how rumbling stomachs were silenced. Those who went to day schools can tell you the number of stories that were told, friendships that were cemented, and distances that were covered on foot thanks to the power of this parched grain. How to make the best parched corn became a tiny obsession of mine in my teens because I noticed grandma’s corn popped best and was the crunchiest.  If you have tried parching corn using a regular pot and without basic tips, you would realise that the results wouldn't look like your grandmother's (for those whose big mamis master(ed) the art) or the roadside vendor's. Parched corn lovers who have tried to do this themselves at home have probably wondered why they don't get good