
Showing posts from August, 2019

Ngon'nso: The Matron of Nso

Oral history has it that Ngon'nso and her elder brothers migrated from the Tikari (Tikar) plains in Adamaoua Region. They were the offsprings of Fon Kimi. Mbuundung (spellings may vary), the eldest son, as tradition warrants, was the legitimate prince to ascend the throne. Out of insubordination, Nchare and Foumbam left the village together with their followers. Ngon'nso is said to have equally set out with her own fleet of followers and later joined her two brothers in search of a new place and space that could better accommodate them. These three wandered together till separation became inevitable because of leadership friction. The trio could not last as Ngon'nso was not ready to succumb to the leadership of her brothers whom she felt were pressuring her to assume an auxiliary position. This infuriated Nchare and Foumbam who could not comprehend why she wanted to measure heights with them given that she was a woman. With these grievances, Nchare found a way of teachin